
13.4. resource.cfg

# RESOURCE.CFG - Sample Resource File for Icinga
# You can define $USERx$ macros in this file, which can in turn be used
# in command definitions in your host config file(s).  $USERx$ macros are
# useful for storing sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, 
# snmp communities, etc.
# They are also handy for specifying the path to plugins and  event
# handlers - if you decide to move the plugins or event handlers to
# a different directory in the future, you can just update one or two
# $USERx$ macros, instead of modifying a lot of command definitions.
# The CGIs will not attempt to read the contents of resource file by default,
# so you can set restrictive permissions (600 or 660) on them. This might
# need a change when enabling full command line resolution for config.cgi
# Icinga supports up to 256 $USERx$ macros ($USER1$ through $USER256$)
# Resource files may also be used to store configuration directives for
# external data sources like MySQL...

# Sets $USER1$ to be the path to the plugins

# Sets $USER2$ to be the path to event handlers

# Store some usernames and passwords (hidden from the CGIs)